How Chiropractic in Burnaby can help shoulder pain

shoulder pain

The shoulder is a complex joint involving 3 different bones and 20 different muscles allowing for a wide range of motion. The main joint of the shoulder (glenohumeral joint) is connected by a group of 4 muscles and their tendon attachments, called the rotator cuff. Problems with the rotator cuff include sports injuries, dysfunction due to muscle imbalance, wear and tear issues leading to fibrotic scar tissue formation, and adhesions. The symptoms from rotator cuff problems can vary to a slight catching or pain to severe pain and frozen shoulder. Because of the wide range of motion of the shoulder joint, structural alignment is also key to the health of the joint. Misalignment or subluxation will lead to premature deterioration of the joint. A third consideration is nerve supply to the shoulder. Many pains in the shoulder actually originate in the cervical spine as the nerves from this region travel to the muscles and other tissues of the shoulder as well as the arm and hand. Irritated nerves in this region can lead to referred pain or cause the muscles in the region to become tight or weak leading to imbalance and dysfunction in the shoulder joint.

Gonstead Chiropractic in Burnaby and Shoulder Pain

The Gonstead doctor is one the few health care providers to analyze and treat all 3 major causes of shoulder pain; nerve irritation, misalignment, and muscular/tendon issues. In addition special rehabilitation exercises may be advised by your doctor to assist in a complete and quicker recovery. Studies have shown positive results with chiropractic and shoulder pain.

Chiropractic help at Adapt Spine Centre

Our Burnaby chiropractic team at Adapt Spine Centre can effectively help your shoulder pain and increase your range of motion. Treatment from a chiropractor may involve spinal adjustments and adjustments to other areas of the body, along with an exercise or flexibility plan to strengthen muscles, tendons and ligaments. After a restoration of your shoulder range of motion, you should be able to carry out your daily life free of pain and limitations!

At Adapt Spine Centre we are here to provide answers to your questions. Don’t hesitate to call us today!


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